Touch the Water Promenade
Location: Edmonton, AB
Year: Current
Status: Concept Development
• Canadian Society of Landscape Architects - National Award of Excellence (2022)
Currently in conceptual development, this project transforms a portion of the north bank of the North Saskatchewan River, as it runs past central Edmonton. The project aspires to create a signature waterfront experience that activates and enhances the River Valley network and allows for a diverse range of recreation and mobility activities. It also aims to provide new accessible connections between the promenade and its urban context. Lastly it must also serve to protect and enhance natural ecosystems and habitats within the green network so that the River Valley continues to function as an ecological and wildlife corridor.
The North Saskatchewan River has a wild quality and behaviour unlike most urban rivers, which called for a design unlike other more “hard-scaped” urban waterfront improvements. Touch the Water Promenade is conceptualized as three unique “Gateways”, tied together by a continuous bundle of “Threads”. The Gateways each have distinct functions and identities suited to their urban context. The Threads use a consistent but pliable language to address various constraints and create a multitude of different uses and experiences along the water.
Hidden Topographic Shelves
Gateway/Lookout - Infiltration