Highlands Community Hall
Location: Edmonton, AB
Year: Current
Status: Design Development
The Highlands Community League (HCL) is a non-profit society, occupying a leased parcel of land within the Highlands Community via a Tri-Partite Agreement with the City of Edmonton and Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues. The league was formed in 1921 and to date, strives to provide for the recreation of its members and to promote opportunities for friendly, social, active, and educational interactions of residents of all ages who live within the Highlands district boundaries. To this end, the Highlands Community League provides free or subsidized space for groups, clubs, programs, and activities that appeal to all Highlands community members including year-round and seasonal activities.
The existing Highlands Community League facility was built in the 1950’s and has been used as the community hall since 2007; however, this facility no longer meets the accessibility and functional needs of the community. This project, which will re-consider the current and future use of both the building and site, has tremendous potential for place-making at a Community Scale.
This new Community League has the potential to act as the social heart of a community. Through its facilities, activities and programs it will contribute to making the community strong and vibrant. We see the opportunity to establish welcoming indoor and outdoor spaces that support the life of the community and build on the rich historical heritage and urban fabric of the Highlands Community.