City Market Apartments
Location: Edmonton, AB
Year: 2007
Status: Completed
Size: 5800 m² / 62,000 ft²
• Prairie Design Awards | Award of Excellence - Architecture (2008)
• Edmonton Urban Design Awards | Award of Excellence - Urban Architecture (2007)
This project consists of 72 units of affordable housing built above an existing 1960s exposed concrete structure. The ground floor is intended to be leased to retail or restaurant uses. A variety of studio, one-bedroom, two-bedroom and loft units are included.
Project Objectives:
• To provide high quality, affordable housing that does not stigmatize the transitional neighborhood by appearing like sub-standard, low rent housing
• To preserve the unique 1960s concrete structure (formerly the city market) and the mature existing trees
• To create an active streetscape with commercial uses along 97 St
• To create an interesting street-front by varying the building roofline, expressing the steel structure and providing a few highly visible interiors at the corners for artist’s live/work studios
• To promote sustainable design by utilizing minimal exterior walls, generous natural lighting, an efficient fan coil system, fluorescent lighting throughout and individual electric metering for each unit